Similar todos
Completed v1 of the #connectify infrastructure build!
Migrate all existing Xero contacts to new infrastructure #nivoda
Migrated #installphp to my central project server
Succeed in using stage as a binary cache for production with insane speedups as everything is only built once and transferred securely 🎉 #shipnix
Doing boring work, migrating to new infrastructure
client project done and live in qa 🔥
Scaling #jsonify infrastructure
finish migrating personal server from home hosted Raspberry Pi to cloud server with infrastructure as code + Nomad to fully automate its provisioning. Feeling relieved & with less duties! #life
Successfully perform database migrations that made me anxious 🎉 #dill
Complete NAR migration to new platform. #netlandish
Sold my first micro SaaS sideproject 🙌
Successfully make the "shipnixifier/Migrate" stage support all kinds of migrating to ship-nix so it's less confusing #shipnix
more project consolidation. I want everything to share the same 3 to 5 build, deploy, and workflows to finish automating everything
migrate to my vntg monorepo - next up write up about my deployment strategy!
Migrated a database like a real devop 💾
Migrate #dinghy team to new project management tool
Major progress on personal projects
infrastructure planning for sideprojects
More major progress with recent projects