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working with shopify app
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💼 client work: troubleshoot Shopify date picker issues #tauron
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Shopify user research #funmode
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Made a simple add new product page
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Finish custom Shopify app for client, after loads of debugging for uncommunicated API constraints #coderswin
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Discussed Shopify app project concept updates with the client and @robreckham internally #codersfail
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Go through the second Shopify project with new client and make a timeline #jodaworks
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Start Development of 1 page Shopify Theme example
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install product review app for shopify store #valenciana
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set up shopify a bit more #tid
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add more products to Shopify store #mopseandfrenchie
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Set up shopify integration for client site
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buy Shopify theme #broteinbox
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Prepare #validator Shopify app store listing
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Create product page for #oneclicktest on Indie Hackers
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