Similar todos
Finish API design and implementation of new Compose library #composeexamples
Publish new Compose Multiplatform Open source library on Github #composeexamples…
First draft for new Compose Multiplatform API.
Not happy so I have to start from scratch #composeexamples
Ship new ComposeTheme version #composeexamples
Pushed big refactor on #composeexamples with new Material components and Compose Desktop components
Go through beautiful defaults for a new Compose API i am working on #composeexamples
Design new theme #notepin
Design System component foundation
update Design System — Typography #boardspace
Come up with theme style #createpin
Start new design system project - client work
start working on Typography Design System for better design work around later on
Design+Code: Styled Components #aint1
Add expandable list with all Compose libraries on #composeexamples so that people can go through components faster
improve compose modal design #wip
Client work - Design System
tutorial on design systems
Work on Design System - Client Work
start working on the design system for #lexingtonthemes