Similar todos
Set up Basecamp for 1:1 clients #freelance
onboard new client to basecamp #naii
set up Bob in Basecamp #freelance
Add current client projects to Basecamp #freelance
Add #welina Basecamp Integration
setup base project for client project #matterloop
Get new tutoring client & onboard into Basecamp #freelance
Onboard new editing client in Basecamp and send invoice #freelance
Reactivate Basecamp #freelance
setup for new client project #ekh
setup a new #revsys client project
setting up new client project #ekh
setup new client project #devjourney
work on client project
work on client project
steal basecamp .text-highlight #propertyvendors
order client work #fajarsiddiq
got started on client project #ekh
Add Eddie to Basecamp #operations