Similar todos
#sheet2site Add WordPress support via templates
finish WordPress theme #httpscop
optimize wordpress #llfr
Made mockups for blogpost, placed them and reorderd it in the WP admin
help Wordpress user #satellitor
work on templates #shipr
work on templates #shipr
work on templates #shipr
figure out templating #prototypr
fix Wordpress bug #satellitor
Work on a blog template #domainwatchman
Clean up other Wordpress specific things that I don't need (User roles etc.) #currently3
Work on a blog template #domainwatchman
I've learned that in Wordpress, I can change other plugins' custom post type and taxonomy settings using my own plugin, such as enabling them in the REST API, eliminating the need to modify the other plugin or contact its creator, paving the way to create my own search engine based on the complex template-provided one.
Finish trying to optimize my site template #ayht
built the basic functionality to map csv columns to placeholders in wordpress draft template
super basic wordpress plugin #ctr
fix up template a bit #starterstory
first steps wordpress theme #digital