Similar todos
sent for review import-data-in-sheets #docgptai
responded to reviewrs for about Import data in Sheets policy #docgptai
answered to auth review team for the new add-on - Import data in Sheets #docgptai
tested on, working. collecting history and focus on Import data in Sheets
privacy policy for #dataimportinsheets
working on some a few scrapers for pulling in data vs. just using sheets #daysuntillatenight
Develop intial spreadsheet for inputting data #buzzd
turn on google analytics for import data in sheets #docgptai
add data in sheet timing #cappr
Add import/export data for #superx
made mvp for data import in Sheets, recorded demo and sent for Auth review
write data import
reorganize column order for data import for client project
write a google sheet to importxml from sitemaps. test Google App Script triggers to refresh. test with rss, importfeed. looking to sort out mvp for search and directory creation leaning on Sheets. #downpayment
implement google spreadsheet importer for #if
plot items in spreadsheet #cappr
make first step of data import work #dpj
Work on airtable import script so i dont have to spend 1 hour manually importing it #ecommerce