Similar todos
Simpletenders - another 30 mins writing content and fighting with the massive 20k word single page document in Notion...
Editing Simpletenders Book content. Needs work. Editing will probably take 2-3 times as long as the writing... #projects
another day of Simpletenders content done... #projects
New posts and content strategy draft for Simpletenders #projects
More content written for Simpletenders #projects
More Simpletenders content written when I was in the day job office supposed to be doing something else #projects
30 minutes more on simpletenders guide. this is turning into a total brain dump of everything I know from 30 years of doing this... #projects
More Simpletenders guide outline work #projects
Writing Simpletenders guide content #projects
Finally finished the main writing work for the Simpletenders guide - now on to the edit. #projects
wrote and scheduled more Simpletenders posts for the blog #projects
Docs page layout and structure started #larametrics
more simpletenders editing of this monster document #projects
Sunday Morning Simpletenders guide editing #projects
website draft and structure #adkandari
finish client tender response - 53 pages, 22,589 words in 30 working hours. #projects
Rough outline most pages in HTML/CSS so I can focus on functionality again #buildstreak
#contracting Throw together landing page mockup in HTML in ~1hr
setup basic content outline and blank pages #serverlesshandbook