Similar todos
Finally finished the main writing work for the Simpletenders guide - now on to the edit. #projects
Simpletenders - another 30 mins writing content and fighting with the massive 20k word single page document in Notion...
Writing Simpletenders guide content #projects
More content written for Simpletenders #projects
30 mins spent turning an unordered mess of Simpletenders content into a collection of sections, pages, and headings. #projects
more simpletenders editing of this monster document #projects
More Simpletenders guide outline work #projects
another day of Simpletenders content done... #projects
more simpletenders guide writing - this is going to go on forever #projects
New posts and content strategy draft for Simpletenders #projects
1.5 hours book editing/formatting
more simpletenders writing #projects
Sunday Morning Simpletenders guide editing #projects
more editing and writing - client project #ekh
still going on the client tender writing that seems to never end - another couple thousand words done today, with two more days to edit, redraft, tidy up - then it will be done. #projects
3 more posts written and scheduled for for next week #projects
More Simpletenders content written when I was in the day job office supposed to be doing something else #projects
2 hours book formatting/editing
Two posts written and scheduled for this week #projects
wrote and scheduled more Simpletenders posts for the blog #projects