Similar todos
added some more video book summaries #witsio (work in progress)
finish Part 1 of Content OS course #mindbody
rewatch some Ramit videos #reactd32018
rewatch Ramit’s launch course to remind myself how it’s done #serverlessreact
work on some videos using AI video tools and content planning
do first 2 chapters from the Content Operator Course #mindbody
finish watching module 1 of Ramit's launch course
half of Ramit's BehindtheSalesPage course #reactd32018
produced 4 videos (still need to edit down) #20startups
Brainstorm remote how lectures #lifeee
start watching course on content
Finish editing and prepping new video #personal
go through Justin Jackson's landing page course while cleaning inbox
finish Ramit's landign page course #reactd32018