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🎙 monthly conference organizer's chat
Attend founder office hours #jovial
🎙 recorded second podcast interview this week #mylife
📆 Updated my weekly office hours banner #mylife
Attend office hours #jovial
🎙 monthly conference organizer chat night #mylife
🎙 attended the monthly conference organizer chat
#allplay have Startup School office hours
🎙 speaking at a #everythingopensource Twitter Spaces right now #mylife
Office hours w/ investor. #jovial
meet with host of Software Sessions for pre-podcast chat #swizpodcasttour
🎙️ finished a monthly conference organizer's chat night #mylife
🎙 joining this week's wip voicechat #mylife
🎤 was in a monthly 2-hour conference organizer discussion #mylife
Friday #revsys work and then a bunch of community calls and open hours
🎙 attended conference chats tonight
🎙 appeared on the Productivity in Tech podcast #mylife
co-hosted a Twitter open space today to go over what's going on with #djangocon this year
🎙 I attended a monthly conference organizer's chat.