Similar todos
Respond to this email with a list of todos you completed today and we'll add it to your profile.
Respond to this email with a list of todos you completed today and we'll add it to your profile.
Respond to this email with a list of todos you completed today and we'll add it to your profile.
prototype daily digest email of completed todos + new pending todos #wip
added another todo #showoff
I'm confused on how to enumerate my pending todos...
Test new feature that lets you reply to the daily digest with completed todos
reply to some emails that I postponed this week
I responded to all my pending messages.
I responded to all my pending messages.
Create a todo by emailing to #wip.
Create a todo by emailing to #wip.
Create a todo by emailing to #wip.
Create a todo by emailing to #wip.
a remarkably small list of todos for today.
You can now comment on todos #wip 💬 💬
Reply to 22 emails from my maybe now decreasing somewhat backlog! #creativity