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Continued working on recreating the Upwork reviews UI so I can show my Upwork reviews to potential employers who don't have Upwork accounts and thus can't easily view my Upwork reviews.
Rewrite Upwork Profile #freelance
send feedback for upwork tasks #tba
Simplify Upwork profile #freelance
Work on reviews #dogfluence
Trying out the Upwork Agency to see if it's worth it to have a VA submit proposals for me. And also b/c I'm curious to learn more about Upwork.
Freelance on Upwork #freelance
Write lots of Upwork proposals #freelance
get verified on Upwork
Submit UpWork proposal #dev
Implement reviews dashboard #freelancing
Set up UpWork & Fiverr profiles #dev
Write HubSpot audit service offer and submitted to UpWork for review
Get new upwork clients #freelance
Redesign Reviews page - Freelancing
Finish client work for the day and send out 3 applications on Upwork #freelance
Successfully changed the Gmail quickstart.go example to send an email instead of just print the user's labels...emailed WorkTime support my two local WorkTime directories so they can look into why I'm not seeing any data in the web UI...order more post-its and bic pens...added a button that, when pressed, sends an email with Gmail...definitely noticing myself becoming way more productive now that the sun has set and it's gotten significantly cooler outside...after literally HOURS of fighting with Go (and Vue to a lesser extent) with Cursor's sometimes-unhelpful suggestions, I FINALLY got PDF uploading up is to send the email with that resume...
Get new client on Upwork that looks promising #freelance
Hired a second freelancer to help me convert the official PDF manual to HTML so I can have the headings in link form, have a Back button to make it easier to navigate, etc. #cmx1course