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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,75 min - average speed: 7,36 km/h - remarks: knees both ok, still very cold outside due to clear sky; 4 days in a row with moon shining. Makes a tremendous difference on the mood to walk several days at midnight (dark and moon) and to walk several days at noon time (with sun and blue sky). #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43,50 min - average speed: 6,90 km/h - remarks: thought a lot about soycubano and the cold temperatures outside made feeling uncomfortable easier - cold is great, to a degree #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42 min - average speed: 7,14 km/h - remarks: what was melted got frozen again so walking was a bit like on a glacier #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,25 min - average speed: 7,45 km/h - remarks: Weird temperatures: not really super cold, but also not mild. Despite the real temperature the felt temperature irritates my body: On the one hand he wants to relax (and release tension) because it’s kind of mild, on the other hand he wants contract and keep the warmth. Very irritating. Apart from that I thought about dressing up in my roles played for the weekdaykickoff - it would be fun and bringing fun to the people is one of implicit objectives in life. Also a good speed. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,25 min - average speed: 7,27 km/h - remarks: Fantastically cold again. No clear thoughts only some fragments like how one of my best friends just (literally) mastered his studies with a 1,0 in his final colloquium. Awesome! And I went through some random scenes in my head where I would play a certain character. Character play and identity research gain more popularity in my world, it’s fun and fascinating to play with roles, stereotypes and character types. But the danger is to get lost in a character, if you don’t reset yourself regularly - I’d assume. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,75 min - average speed: 7,36 km/h - remarks: Frosty this morning with white frost (Reif) or hoar frost (Raureif) but overall friendly. I feel like doing the weather report 😛 Right knee had some tension before the walk but after the walk now is fine. Had no dominating thoughts because I was busy freezing ^^ #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41 min - average speed: 7,32 km/h - remarks: bit slower than yesterday and also a bit colder than yesterday because I had walked at midnight. Was thinking whether I’m happy with how the day went and I’d say: kind of. I had planned to do 2 other things I didn’t do because I felt the moment for the other thing I had started spontaneously. Though in the long run and strategically harmful, I tend to get these things done that I haven’t planned the night before but that have been in the air. So, the lesson here is: Make a plan and be comfortable that it will totally change - as long as you do things that are aligned with where your focus is - and yes, sometimes derailing is fine, but make sure you get your skates on rail soon after the detracting enjoyment. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 39,75 min - average speed: 7,55 km/h - remarks: The 2nd time in 9 weeks that I was faster than 40 minutes. Really nice, and it didn’t feel that fast when walking. Sun was out, sky was blue, very nice day, cold still mainly because of the wind. Quite a lot of people - many of them old - outside. In terms of thoughts no real clarity but after I had arrived back to the house I wrote the draft for blog post 10 and 11 about revenue numbers of my business - it’s in my mind for a while to share them and today I wrote the article that reveals them. To be published soon. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,24 km/h - remarks: Though tonight was colder than yesterday again it felt better to walk since the refreshment effect is much better. I’m fantasizing about a sunny place where the climate still allows refreshing temperatures. New Zealand winter (Mar-Aug 2009) was when I had that kind of mix of sun and fresh air - 14 degrees Celsius that felt like mid-20s. Awesome! Today was a good full working today of VO only - I started the day with voiceover and ended it. In between I did the „day job“. Also my fake meat balls turned out fine… #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 42,25 min - average speed: 7,10 km/h - remarks: like yesterday a very necessary walk out since I felt the roof was falling onto my head. Realized once more that walking for 30-60 minutes doesn’t only help physical health but gives me time to arrange your thoughts (and let come up what’s important right now). I could run instead of having a walk but then 5km would over sooner, and then I would have to run more than 5km to have enough time for thinking through and cleansing my head, but that would mean I would lose energy for the rest of my activities on the day. And the walking itself is not about performance (kilometers per minute/hour) but the consistency of doing it. So, all in all it’s good to stick to 5km every day consistently and if I’m feeling I add some workout to it. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,25 min - average speed: 7,45 km/h - remarks: something is going on - I was again faster than yesterday! Incredible. Also, had a an interesting thought towards the end of my walk which I executed immediately (an „unlock“ page for stolenvoice to arouse curiosity) #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 16,5 min - average speed: 6,55 km/h - remarks: Bit faster than yesterday. Pretty cold outside at 23:00. Knees seem ok, will do gentle exercises today. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 39,25 min - average speed: 7,64 km/h - remarks: by far the fastest 5k so far; and I really made an effort to be fast this time because I wanted to check this walk for today. And I think I could even be faster because walking the stairs up and down takes at least 20 seconds. In terms of thoughts only a good feeling that I made more little progress in terms of voiceover, feels actually very good. Apart from that no big other thoughts. #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,25 min - average speed: 7,45 km/h - remarks: exceptionally fast today. Again blue sky, sun out there, cold but with sunshine and blue sky cold is not so much a problem. Based on the walk I came up with the idea for 2 drafts of blog articles (one related to life being a maze („amazing“ ^^), not a mess; and the other related to how to actors should consider auditions — both articles are about perspectives.) #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 43,75 min - average speed: 6,86 km/h - remarks: one of the slowest fast-walks so far though I liked the mental bridges I had created during the walk (potencial/potency = close by legs, energy = arms, thinking = head) that served as 3 shortcuts to remember my thoughts and write them down back in the house #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 40,5 min - average speed: 7,41 km/h - remarks: wild thoughts that crossed my mind, from finding a partner or not, to the cuba experience (and the heavy rain Erick and I experience in Viñales), I thought the freewritecamp lesson I sent out today (2 days late) and I thought about how to talk on social media so it’s meaningful on the one hand (me being the „expert“) but on the other hand personal to bond with some of the people following me… lots of thoughts, AND: if I exclude yesterday’s super-fast performance (with more than 5km of talking) tonight was the first time I walked less than 41 minutes for 5km - and it was extraordinarily cold but also beautiful with the moon and clear sky - a setting Stephen King would have liked as well (yesterday and today while taking the train I read on his „On Writing“ piece and I like many parts of it #health
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walked 5.7km 🏃 - time: 45,5 min - average speed: 7,52 km/h - remarks: first time walk at my bro’s neighborhood north of Berlin, felt good, was fricking cold but for now the fastest time - and walked bit more than 5km because there was no other route to walk #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,23 km/h - remarks: melted snow which made walking harder and wetter but also fun - remembering childhood moments playing soccer in the snow *awesome* #health
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walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 17,25 min - average speed: 6,26 km/h - remarks: Third night with a late night walk. Birds are active, even loud, low temperatures, fairly cold but also very refreshing #health
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walked 5km 🏃 - time: 41,5 min - average speed: 7,23 km/h - remarks: many thoughts that crossed my mind (from the past, present and future), was raining outside all day, accordingly puddles outside to either pass by or walked through (I did both - over some I jumped), felt stressed inside my head and plucked up my courage to scream out loud into the dark with nobody around - powerful, felt AWESOME! On the final piece of the walk saw a blue police light and a a car in front, didn’t look like an accident, decided to continue walking to not have such bad time at the end. Thought that my latest revelation to spend my time on voiced videos is great - the challenge of making 5k revenue until end of august is pushing my. Felt party like a Tony Robbins version - in tiny and less strong but still very much a robbins, suppose the „wake up“ call into the night helped me feel this way. Will want to get out of of bed shouting „awesome“ and drumming my chest like an alpha male gorilla - which reminded me of an old 2086 computer game where a gorilla throws bananas around and you define the angle and force. That’s it - great brain dump after walked. Feeling empowered. Peace out, and long hair. #health
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