Similar todos
Fixed and improved the experience of adding titles to individual chats #rabbitholes
redesigned chat #tregue
added steps for #instabotgpt dashboard chats
added conversations/chat to group rooms #mj
add chat feature #hour
styling improvements to chat page as a whole #skillmap
switch chat #mydash
Switched chat bubble from chatwood to bento #capgo
totally rebuilt conversation ordering in the chatpanel, so it now sorts and builds the list from JSON #skillmap
Add multiple chats support #fridaygpt
#instabotgpt improved ui for chatting, make it scrollable, fix minor issues on resizing, transfarable config object
add links support in chat
change chat text #ceev
Add chat back in #simpleanalytics
New Chat UI in #sitegpt
Show chats in chat list #resultjam
design tweaks to chatpanel #skillmap