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Set the time to live attribute when creating a domain log entry #domainwatchman
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store last log in timestamp in user data #piggybank
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Prevent domain log entries from cluttering the global secondary index #domainwatchman
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Add a domain change history page #domainwatchman
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Deploy domain change logging to production #domainwatchman
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Add domain changes logging to the updater service #domainwatchman
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Fix issue preventing multiple log entries from being added to the same domain name #domainwatchman
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log timestamps of messages #wipmusic
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Add timestamps to all database mutations so analysing events is possible in the future #sparkly
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Work on adding domain changes logging to the updater lambda #domainwatchman
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update ttl value for subdomain a record #makernews
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Add missing details about certain events in the domain change history page #domainwatchman
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add timestamp for Algolia #curated
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Change timestamps to milliseconds before saving to mongoDB to prevent dates from loading as 1970 #ai
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Sort domains by expiration date #domainwatchman
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Add the ability to sort domain names alphabetically #domainwatchman
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Finish domain change history page #domainwatchman
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add timestamp in logs…
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Change expiration event names and when creating a log entry, also update names in existing log entries #domainwatchman
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update message timestamps regularly
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