Similar todos
sign mac app #menubar
post #earsafe to r/macapps
Take in Mac again #lifeee
completed the mac app #number
prepare for r/macapps post #earsafe
Notarized the Mac app #rabbitholes
Bought a new mac for work
Test working prototype on mac. #poster
submit v1.1.1 to mac app store #menubar
submit new macos version #rewardsflights
Got featured on (…) #timemator
make Mac app #expensivechat
Post #cleanshot to reddit r/macapps
Say thank you to all the people who responded to my question… #niftymacapps
send link to app's build to mac beta testers -… #taggy
update mac #life
update mac #life
Submit v.1.7.0 to Mac App Store #menubar 🤞
cleanup mac #life