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change featured images #business
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fixed image upload bug #cryptojobslist
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fixed image bug on blog #cardmapr
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fix bug with changed image upload in publisher editor #kunvenu
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featured image on side panel - show first image in the editor if no ft image is uploaded #prototypr
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#filepond fix bug in image preview plugin
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new article preview images for first 3 articles #mvpsprint
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fix bug for image uploader
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fix featured events' thumbnails on homepage
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change featured images city pages #pasfoto
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added featured images to blog post
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Fixed an issue with some images displayed in lightbox on #noticeable Newspages
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#filepond fix bug in image-edit plugin
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replace featured images #business
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hopefully fix bug where promotion images werent shown #betalist
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#givewithella Fix image upload bug on live CMS
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edit images for article 🖼
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improve images on feature page #nextplease
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fix bug that showed no photos on first sign up because it would try to make placeholders based on previous pics but they don’t exist yet #photoai
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#filepond fix image-preview plugin image orientation bug
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