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- write up how to on exporting revue subs to substack and share it in 2 online groups ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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set up Revue so people can subscribe to my newsletter on my Twitter profile #blog
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add revue integration to twitter so people can subscribe directly from my twitter profile. revue -> zapier -> mailchimp (@levelsio idea)
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- newsletter edit feedback ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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set up Twitter -> Revue -> Ghost subscribe newsletter integration #blog
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try out twitter + revue #fajarsiddiq
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try twitter promote subscription #ytcount
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do twitter thread for "how to build a website which converts email subscribers" #marketingexamples…
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- write version 2 of issue 3 newsletter ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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start writing newsletter
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Schedule next newsletter edition: "How to Grow on Twitter by Engaging with Others" #upgroves
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new /newsletter sub-page where I'm inviting readers (business owners and startup founders) to learn how to dominate their niche market by subscribing to my newsletter and getting the results of my in-depth research (10.000+ resources—research in work in progress) #copywritingdelivery
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- rewrite v2 for newsletter issue 1 and 2 ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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- added another 3 subs (total 29) to newsletter #entrepreneurialeng
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dm 36 ppl on twitter to promote newsletter #sunday
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- send newsletter issue 9 for feedback ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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Post Twitter thread promoting the newsletter #upgroves
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set up Twitter -> Revue -> #readmake sign up flow where you get the first chapter sent for free
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Tweet about the new newsletter #goodmonday
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- 2 drafts for future newsletters ✅ #entrepreneurialeng
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