Similar todos
reviewed /videos sources and found 53 playlists #artistsatscale
Did some more editing #ruinedsongs
Find some good new music 🎶
Move some files around #ruinedsongs
made a new spotify playlist… #fajarsiddiq
Collect more music mixes for future streams
get previous stream history and pick out the best tunes & save to new playlist #linefm
added music, doing more tests today #daddytuner
Find new music to listen to while working 🎶
#life Satisfy curiosity and find most obscure artist on my Spotify playlist
Collect some lyrics #covers
Load one song at a time to reduce wait time #lyricallabs
submitted 3th song for 6 songs in 2024 challenge #edsonkailes
Listening Music. 🎶🎼🎵 #shaz
find song for playlist #fajarsiddiq
Listening to some of the new mixes Tomorrowland just published on their YouTube channel…
update with new tracks from @wipmusic that were added during bot downtime #wipmusic
read up on spotify docs
feature new tracks on #linefm