Similar todos
Provision server with a static site #shipnix
Functioning server-config view #shipnix
Setup on cloudflare and render with a simple index.html #shipitclub
Successfully deploy a test instance of ship-nix #shipnix
provision Netlify site for #coolbotclub
launch website
WIP functionality for sharing servers with other users #shipnix
move static website to nextjs in prep for other stuffs, and ship live
Make #shipnix docs color scheme align with the main site #shipnix
Register and hook up domain and wait for it to properly propagate so I can finally release it to initial testers tomorrow #shipnix
Fix some minor form bugs in "create new server" form #shipnix
Work on fixing bugs and simplifying server views #shipnix
made my next.js powered blog static only - much easier to deploy it with nginx #backlio
build static site for client #fajarsiddiq
deploy shit version of personal website
test ship netlify
Make a Twitter account for #shipnix and do a soft launch on Twitter