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Make a Twitter account for #shipnix and do a soft launch on Twitter
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Live-tweet about making and shipping a small project on ship-nix before launch. Done initial setup today and continuing tomorrow… #shipnix
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First steps in moving #shipnix into production
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Notify my first two testers that #shipnix being ready to test. Hope they will test and bring me some feedback 🤞
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Work on provisioning and shipping #shipnix with it's own software
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Further work on shipnixifier #shipnix
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Sharing servers with other users now fully functional #shipnix
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Successfully deploy a test instance of ship-nix #shipnix
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Done implementing "Push to deploy" and deploy webhooks #shipnix
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Patch a bunch of minor issues up and work on the migration flow starter so I can publish it tomorrow #shipnix
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Publish deploy speedup docs and tweet about it #shipnix
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First ever server provisioning in production performed #shipnix
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Introduction/get started part of the docs done #shipnix
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Get working staging environment for #shipnix up and running, using #shipnix
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Finish up my giant Twitter thread about putting ship-nix to the test by shipping an auto prioritizing roadmap on in under 24 hours. Looks like some found it interesting 👍 #shipnix
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Planned launch day of #shipnix was today, but I postpone to monday. I'm certainly not getting any membership invitations to the Ship Fast ™️ movement just yet 😄
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Get code working again after again after messing a bit up to accomodate more advanced use-cases #shipnix
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Work on the core of #shipnix today, fixing tech debt I consider severe enough to be release blockers. Working on setting some guarantees ensuring that when shell commands fail, build event always stop and is set to failed, and doesn't continue by accident
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Work on landing page #shipnix
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Decide to rename the project from ship-nix to tite-ship, so it's not confused with being part of the NixOs foundation #shipnix
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