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#life Get PCR tested because the health authority wanted me to
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#life Get back PCR test
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#life Do PCR test because someone in this house has COVID symptoms and is very pale
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#life Get PCR test appointment
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#life Bring PCR tests to COVID positive friend who’s in quarantine
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#life Do PCR test to make sure we don't accidentally infect everyone on the plane with COVID
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covid-19 pcr test #life
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Get PCR & (negative 🥳) at-home Covid test #life
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get PCR results test positive COVID #life
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get pcr test for travel to amsterdam on thursday #life
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#life Get corona test before meeting family for Christmas
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get pcr tested #life
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#life Do antigen test (negative) cuz there’s 0 COVID restrictions in Denmark and I was around a lot of people
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go hospital for PCR test to be sure we don't have COVID before we get vaccinated #life
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book PCR test for tomorrow with @AndreyAzimov so we can check if we have covid before vaccination #life
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Order PCR test & travel docs #life
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#life Do ‘rona test
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send off PCR test
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#life Be COVID negative (big shocker)
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do PCR test nose and throat 🥺 #life
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