Similar todos
Track all food eaten during the day #life
Write about dietary supplements and track progresses #vita
started tracking food with Noom #life
#maintenance 🏗
- 🍳 daily streak day 06 for 2021-11-25 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-11-19 ✅
- 📥 PROCESS: inbox of ideas and todos ✅
#toiletofbliss Make daily log
complete daily journal
do daily journal
- 🍳 daily streak day 01 for 2021-12-06 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-12-06 ✅ #maintenance
log on daily journal
implement log chart #goodwrite
create system to track habits
#toiletofbloss Make daily log
- 🍳 daily streak day 09 for 2021-11-28 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-11-19 ✅ #maintenance
- 🍳 daily streak day 08 for 2021-11-27 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-11-19 ✅ #maintenance
- 🍳 daily streak day 02 for 2021-12-07 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-12-06 ✅ #maintenance
implement improved UX for daily log #mindwave
- 🍳 daily streak day 03 for 2021-11-21 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-11-19 ✅ #maintenance
- 🍳 daily streak day 11 for 2021-11-30 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-11-19 ✅ #maintenance