Similar todos
improve alfred wip workflow
scaffold alfred workflow #wipfred
finish alfred workflow V1 frontend
a basic but working Alfred workflow using GraphQL for WIP (it's simply because I find using Alfred to record TODOs so convenient) #sidecar
Launch #airbot
Make Bugsnag workflow for Alfred #life
build a Alfred workflow to help test #stenofm in dev/prod…
Make Alfred Workflow to browse my GitHub repos #life
Heroku Alfred workflow POC #herokualfredworkflow
add/download Alfred Workflows & Make a quick ref doc sheet for them for when brain flat lines
Publish updates to .new Alfred Workflow
configure Alfred to use wipbot
🚧 wip alfred workflow with go #oss
discover that previous alfred workflow wasn't working
optimize life with Alfred #survivor
Setup Apple Shortcut for catching all the ideas and tasks in Workflowy
setup alfred syncing and improved workflows #lifestuff
launch Alfred on PH A multipage SAAS theme built with Astro, Tailwind CSS & MDX…