Similar todos
Get setup in new cohort-based course I joined (on building communities), write intro, get figma setup for screenshotting touchpoints #eduresearch
Design high-fidelity behaviour for starting a new topic inside Conversations #mentoring
new flow for creating conversation #mumblespace
post about Learners on Facebook & Slack #quickcode
Start building talk #ss
set up like 10 1 on 1 calls with other ODF cohort members
create room for strategic thinking
Meet mentee for coffee chat #outsprint
import everyone to new course platform #reactfordataviz
setup intro call with new mentee #codewithhugo
setup new mentee #codewithhugo
Get conversation flowing again in the #opengood community chat
setup first 3 sessions as a teachable course #serverlessreact
Catch up with student i mentored #life
meetup discussions #fajarsiddiq
setting up community and uploading course
setup intro call with mentee #codewithhugo
create lessons #smartypantsbot