Meet with a vc firm about how they can best connect their portfolio founders for 1:1s. #eduresearch
Generate 2572 curated 1:1 match suggestions for climate tech professionals. Write clear notes on how to improve process so I never have to manually do this again 😂 #eduresearch
Join Build a Second Brain kickoff zoom call, take notes on how it is being organized and facilitated #eduresearch
get clear on a challenge I've been stuck on around CBCs #eduresearch
Finish Salman Khan's Education Reimagined book while on run #eduresearch #livelife
Get setup in new cohort-based course I joined (on building communities), write intro, get figma setup for screenshotting touchpoints #eduresearch
attempt to make sense of various climate tech matching criteria in the data & almost break my brain. decide on simple criteria. #eduresearch
optimally match 30 community builders / managers for 1:1s #eduresearch
start reading Nadia Eghbal's Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software #eduresearch #livelife