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Show nearby meetups on homepage (based on user's location) #wip
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show upcoming meetup on the front page if user is in the same place on the meetup date #nomads to get more RSVPs for meetup
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Filter upcoming nearby meetups on homepage to just those that start within the next week #wip
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fix wrong timezone for meetup announcement #nomads
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direct link to meetup from frontpage if upcoming #nomads
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show next meetup in current place (country) OR in next place (country within next 7 days), whichever is sooner, and show people in current place unless there is a next place in next 7 days #nomads
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Meetup page live on #indielog
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Fix timezones on display #sitesauce
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show how many people are attending in upcoming meetup box which is shown if user is in same country as meetup #nomads
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Make display timezones variable. Now slots are shown in the attendees timezone.
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fix meetup in channel title shows wrong “in N hours” because it only updates twice a day #nomads
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add meetup photos to front page meetups box #nomads
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show next meetups on #nomads frontpage because there are a lot recently and it shows the site is active
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add meetups button in city modal if there’s a meetup soon #nomads
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add upcoming meetup to #nomads channel title
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work on meetups page #nomads
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improve layout of /meetups page I'm building #nomads
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Redesign "Upcoming meetup" section on homepage and add RSVP button #wip
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show local time #expensivechat
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add .iCal add to calendar on #nomads meetups page
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