Similar todos
twitter catchup #life
Reply to 5 tweets, stacking the days #life
🚀 shipped tweet scheduler and a bunch of small updates. I'll wait until mid-week to start using it #djangonews
post daily tweet update #self
write twitter thread for today
write twitter thread for today
schedule weekly tweets #business
schedule some build in public tweets for next week to see how they do
🗓 scheduled tweets for the next week #djangonews
working on a twitter scheduler I can live with #djangonews
catch up on all the twitter drama #life
tweet about update #csspro
finished some django-fsm tests and code to test some twitter features since I want to schedule some things differently that existing apps seem to want to let me do
prepare weekly tweets #business
prepare weekly tweets #business
prepare weekly tweets #business
prepare weekly tweets #business
prepare weekly tweets #business
prepare weekly tweets #business