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fix testimonials page #business
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Add header to testimonials #cleanshot
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#sheet2site landing page. added new testimonials
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Fix testimonials page #ss
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Added new testimonials from launch to landing page #hustl
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work on testimonial page
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Clean up testimonials code #cleanshot
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Make testimonial section on landingpage #lucidbot
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Add more testimonials on the landing page #mumu
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Fix bugs in testimonial section for #starter
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added new header + illustration + testimonials to #sportstechjobs
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add testimonial to the landing page #dashful
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tweak testimonials layout on new homepage #blog2
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New testimonials layout #25tools
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make testimonial page
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added more testimonials to the site #blogrecorder
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Updated testimonial slider plugin landing page - #pluginsforcarrd
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add testimonial section to new landing page #quizwhizzer
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footer: add testimonial interview link
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Finish testimonial section for #starter
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