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Read some more Hamlet and thought about what modern rappers could learn from it (if anything). #rhymecraft
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Add some more information about Shakespeare that I learned from reading the introduction to the Penguin Classics 1994 edition of Hamlet.… #rhymecraft
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Spent some time analyzing Run DMC's "Hard Times" to understand how it could be improved / why it sounds bad to me. #rhymecraft
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learned about Shakespeare's and Michael Caine's advices to actors and learned how to interpret them #stolenvoice
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Spent some time researching the top rap songs of the '80s since the Billboard list starts in '89. I want to understand the evolution of the various techniques. #rhymecraft
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Spent time fleshing out the 'How to choose a rap name' public wiki page.… #rhymecraft
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Wrote about the difference between Playwright and Puppeteer (…) for #puppeteerguide
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read half of Hamming’s You and Your Research
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Added Sonnet 3.5 #gasby
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Write a craptonne of analysis #donoharm
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finish Hamming’s You and your research
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make research document look somewhat good and added a (probably) flawed analysis #edu
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figure out a way to make nice videos for rap in very little time #4ty2
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Created a Spotify playlist with the #1 rap singles from '89-'99 based on… to better understand the evolution of rap and also to put it on my public wiki.…… #rhymecraft
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In-depth analysis, a 2-minute version of it, and audio recording for each version done (still not published yet though, hopefully tomorrow) #copywritingexamples
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check lesson 2.6 of masterclass via Grammarly and Hemingway Editor; afterwards send to students #freewritecamp
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Engl 103 hw
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write synopsis of the theater play #iian
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get Ollama to write a high level analysis of reader feedback #aiplay #blog2
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make a rap(?)!!! 😮
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