Similar todos
submit #superresponder related reddit post “Why is email used so transactionally, instead of relationally?”… - important: it’s no copy of what I submitted to Hacker News. It’s a unique text. I believe that matters/makes a difference.
receive valuable feedback from my copywriting peeps regarding the landing page copy of #superresponder
give feedback to fellow copywriting pro on his lead magnet offer #copywritingdelivery
reply to feedback on Reddit #solomakerstack
send email asking for feedback
write ask for share/feedback email #seniormindset
Improve transactional email copy to be nicer overall #newsletty
write followup email asking for feedback #reactfordataviz
send email asking readers for feedback/testimonials #seniormindset
Reply to reddit comments and emails #incomerankings
answer feedback emails #infinitestories
add emails to ask for feedback #serverlesshandbook
send daily email #emailcopywriter (with survey results)
Ask for feedback on landing page copy:… #unblockdomains !private
gave in-depth copywriting / content storytelling feedback (no strings attached) #copywritingdelivery
client work #emailcopywriter
write email copy #mailto
write email copy #satellitor