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4th preorder - one more to reach my December goal 🖖🥳 #mistral
5 pre-orders 🥳 ! I've reached my december goal in 10 days ! #mistral
Goal : 5 pre-orders in December #mistral
Second preorder! 🥳🥳🥳 #mistral
6 sales for Launch Day - 1 more than my goal #mistral
reach $7k in preorders #reactd32018
First pre-order for #indiehost
Reach $1,800 MRR (My goal is to reach $2000 before the end of the month... 9 hours left!) #satellitor
3rd offer sold 🎉 #jobsnantes
Pre ordered #fajarsiddiq
Got my third customers!
pre-order #plantenboek
pre-order promo #plantenboek
get first #jesthandbook pre-order
set up payments for pre-order #autonomie
100 preorders #reactd32018
Limited the number of -50% pre-orders to 5, will increase the price after that (3 spots left) #mistral
compile list of preorders #jesthandbook
Cancel 2nd iPhone pre-order on Amazon, because I hoped to get Revolut points there but because it's a pre-order I don't think I do #life