Similar todos
✅ made a few OSS contributions #mylife
populate some OSS projects to recommend #codewithhugo
random OSS projects today #mylife
◢◤ D O N E second 2500+ centralized coins to 3 makers #fajarsiddiq
SF maker meetup set up calendar invite
suggest change to make Makerlog faster
🔐 found about an odd program on to give back to OSS devs and managed to pull out a fraction of BTC from it #mylife
added makerlog integration #ext200wad
add change logging to #makerrank to track upcoming makers (thanks @thepatwalls for idea)
it's been a long time to contribute to an OSS haha #dailylife…
doing some OSS work to start off my Saturday
#flip make open source
Open source step implementation
add github sponsors #prototypr…
open github repo #newproject
this month Open Source donation to Coolify Devs…
created orgnote github #org