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Get on the streak leaderboard ✅ 😂 OK this is not a product-todo so it's time to keep shipping today's items but... WIP community has been ❤️ for the past week, and it SO GOOD a forcing function to get 1% better everyday or my version of it: ship one thing to customers everyday.
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submit opinion piece to maker mag #shipstreams
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Ship "Should You Make It?" to help makers with 24hr startup challenge. #blurt
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try to ship as fast a possible the MVP of a new problem solver product #shipfast
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Note to self: ship early, ship often. The next version of BoltAI is so big that I wasn’t able to ship anything the last 2 weeks 🥲
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write twitter thread about shipping early and often true confidence #wip…
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make realmakersship.gif #wip
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Day 907 - Shipping fast, right -… #lifelog
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write medium post about tools to help ship super quick
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prepare shipr for maker bip giveaway #shipr
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create a #makerwidget ship page…
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get #dailyhustle finished in time 😅*Just f*ing ship it in 30 days*…
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Starting a new project. Going to ship it really fast.
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Day 1158 - Shipping 10x faster, part II -… #lifelog
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make good on idea using shipfast after defending shipfast 2 days ago orig post:…
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think of new idea and ship within 24h with iterative feature writing
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Joined WIP community 🎉 I think this is going to be the best investment in my motivation to ship together with great community! Hello everyone 👋
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Day 1157 - Shipping 10x faster -… #lifelog
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Ship to make EOY goal to ship it 😅 #whatpulsepro
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got that 💯🌶streak #wip #wip100 #shipordie
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