Similar todos
Completed anything else today?
Completed anything else today?
Completed first task at work. #work
Finished a productive day
Finished today's workout
Completed today's workout. Now onto finishing the app! #kataru
Completed two tasks from the list
Completed today's workout. Now onto marketing tasks #thebrainpsych
Completed a bunch of tasks from the list 😃
Completed most important task of the day 💼 #DayJob
Completed 25/47 client project tasks today before needing a break #freelance
finished out client work today #mylife
✅ checked off several #djangocon todos today
Completed 37/60 client tasks on my list (yes, the list grew) #freelance
finished a day of coding on a new product and some #djangocon paperwork
Go over today’s tasks #matterloop
Go over today’s tasks #matterloop
Go over today’s tasks #matterloop