Similar todos
fix issue where daily digest wasn't sent out to everyone #betalist
Fix daily digest emails not being sent #wip
Enable weekly digests 🥳 #wip
Set up cronjob for sending weekly digest #wip
Fix bug in daily digest resulting in a ton of backlogged daily digests being sent out all at once 😅 #wip
Remove issue number from weekly digests #wip
fix bug w daily emails #mydash
Keep track of when last daily digest was sent, so we can ensure not to send multiple on the same day if there's a bug leading to backlogged emails #wip
Deployed daily/weekly email digest
prepare monthly digest #cappr
fixed email cron job bug #sponsorgap
prepare monthly digest #1 #cappr
Fix typo in bassically in weekly stats email #simpleanalytics
Prototype initial MVP for weekly digest emails #visiondirectory