Similar todos
reworking my cuisine aliases but I can never remember how they work anyways #lfk
rolled out a new cuisine feature #lfk
reworked cuisine titles and descriptions from a site audit from ahrefs #lfk
refactored cuisine and neighborhood frontmatter to be easier to link to via slug fields #lfk
updated cuisine and neighborhood templates to match existing styles of website better #lfk
🎨 re-styled the cuisine template #lfk
Build out recipe functionality #contracting
Recipe Screen Rebuild #healthymealplans
started rebuilding the #podgarden
rebuilt #zeropercent user model
added cuisine and neighborhood pages #lfk
work on rebuild #shipr
🎨 Re-styled the cuisine and neighborhood page styles #lfk
created new recipe #freshbiteai
parse recipes fix #whatscook
Rebuild routes #createpin