Similar todos
Finish the email change form and deploy it to production #domainwatchman
#sheet2site. emails. deploy latest changes with email sytem
Deploy all #ipregistry email related changes made in the last days to production
fix and re-deploy email worker
push cdn and email changes tto prod #downpayment
Review what needs to be shipped before we can make email marketing app prod ready #saasco
push changes to production #remotejuniorclub
tested various options to improve processes for email delivery
deploying stuff to prod
write and ship email 2 of pitch #seniormindset
tweaked newsletter production process
correct email template used now for invitation to apply #whowantstobehired
reply email with more change requests #cubome
deliver #vagif to production
send emails and deploy new integration software for client
write new welcome email for newsletter and uncover a bunch of needed work before it can go live #blog2
deployed some #djangopackages template changes
deploy changes to prod #clippulse
deploy changes to prod #wt