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😷 sick but managed to get some client work done today #mylife
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😷 still sick but doing more research and sketched out the places UI which I will be coding tomorrow.
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😷 still sick but got a 1/2 of client work in. resting and dabbling the rest
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😷 still sick but feeling better. sketched out model references for basic apps and trying to figure out the best way to package them all. #mylife
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cleaned up bookmarks, filed research, and took some notes to get a few other projects rolling
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😷 full day but still feeling a tad under the weather. Still finished a few conference template changes #conf
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✏️ wrote up week notes and mostly tried to get over being sick
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still sick and familiy came up for a visit. did a bunch of bookmarking and research since I could do that from bed and my phone.
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😷 still sick #mylife
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😷 sick day but ending it feeling better than it started. #mylife
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🤧 sick today but doing my best to move forward on projects
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still sick but worked on some management screens #conf
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mostly getting caught up on client work after being sick for a week+
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😷 woke up sick. trying to power through it #mylife
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📧 catching up on email and my browser tabs which are out of control #mylife
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😷still sick so resting today.
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I'm struggling to get any work done today. Still, not fully over stupid covid but feeling much better. 🙄
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Been sick all day, still got a bit of work done... And I had such a good work flow going 😢
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1 client task as I complete my last sick day. Feeling better!
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😷 got sick
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