Similar todos
Rewrite repository tests to use a local copy of DynamoDB rather than a mocked one #domainwatchman
test writing to disk for dynamodb local
dynamodb exercise for workshop #serverlessreact
made dynamodb local persistent
Add a script to make easier to setup DynamoDB Admin #clanlatam
Write docs on how to use Dynamo locally #clanlatam
test dynamodb inmemory
consider switching from dynamodb local back to redis
find out why dynamodb local is only keeping data for 24hrs
setup api to work both locally and on aws lambda with shared settings #politicaio
Setup tests with Dynamo #clanlatam
play with aws cli, s3 and lambdas #lab
outline serverless workshop #serverlessreact
implement hello world AWS lambda for #starterstory
restructure JSON of communication between my server & aws lambdas #httpscop