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⚙️ updated traefik and server setup to reduced unused config files #mylife
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Configure traefik and docker
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✏ cleaned up some docker configs to enable new domain on traefik #conf
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⚙️ setup traefik for #djangonews
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- study how to setup a multiple app in one server using traefik ✅ #greendeploy
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- make traefik do multiple apps in 1 server ✅ #greendeploy
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- retry traefik http only ✅ #greendeploy
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🔧 Configured HSTS and updated traefik to work with lets encrypt and my .dev domain #conf
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📝 tweeting about traefik setup and django things #mylife
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✨ hooked up .dev domain and setup dns and traefik #conf
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rebuilt new images and deployed #shaunlol to prod.
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- try make traefik SSL work ✅ #greendeploy
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🚀 refactored my server setup, shut off a DO droplet, redeployed two dozen websites, and configs are getting smaller and much easier to support
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configure auto-deploy to Netlify #rush
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deploy to nginx
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add git deploy straight to server #upgradeyourphp
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create og image generator and deploy to prod
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tested automated deployments
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Deploy #legit to server
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- figure out how to turn on logging on traefik on docker using http for domain in cloudflare #greendeploy
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