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✏️ wrote about django-startproject…
doing day job work and trying to wrap up a Django 2.2 upgrade #mylife
⬆️ posted django 5.1 on #upgradedjango
learn to hot reload browser while django-ing #studydev
broke some ground on an interesting cli tool which fits well with my other django and docker projects #mylife
🔨 switched out the internals of Django Deploy and added some new maintenance commands #mylife
jumpstarted the porting project to a mostly working Django 3.0 setup. Only one more minor version to go. #mylife
continued with porting #jobsinenglish to Django
✏️ quick post about Django's startapp and startproject…
🔨 working on a django-news prototype #djangonews
🐍 catching up on djangocon / psf volunteerwork #mylife
⬆️ upgraded #djangopackages to Django 4.1
Sunday morning ☕️ and catching up on feeds with my son. Updated my django deployer notes #mylife
6. set up a MUST DO menu item for django projects ✅ #greendeploy
built a job options thing for executing feed data imports in django #homestretch
make django dev vagrant box
more Django deployment work. #mylife
published #djangonews #183…
published #djangonews #194…