Similar todos
talk to bootcamp marketing manager for an hour in Berlin 😎
reach out to code bootcamps for ads and visibility #linqmeup
pitch Oz bootcamp about sponsorship #nocsdegree
Meet with potential hires for marketing #fashn
get accepted to StartupBootcamp
Apply founder bootcamp #jovial
go bootcamp #life
arrange chat with coding bootcamp in Edinburgh about sponsored content
make a list of past bootcamp grad customers #chingu
Attend bootcamp graduation and network for talent #lifehappens
send out interview email sponsored by @HugoDF #nocsdegree
share interview about bootcamp student who became a bootcamp teacher to HN
Attend an Open Day at a Bootcamp to stay up to date and meet new people
Interview a junior marketer
team meeting with marketing agency #freelance
Met with person who wants to me to run a training at his company #diversitycareer
mention @pretzelhands interview when pitching blog to coding camp
Schedule phone meeting with Nike recruiter #metamas