Similar todos
Refactoring of users status checking #request
#threader2 add notifications for logged users
Determine notification 'checks' that should be used. e.g. if request comes from X, notify user. If model Y changed, notify user. #larametrics
Modified notification rules to protect agianst sending to unsubscribed users via background jobs #zonewatcher
add log if user changes his frequency #jasp
add log if unsubscribe or any changement on #jasp
added last time logged in logic to #sponsorgap user model
draft notifications logic for DB #robothive
better logging for offday changes
add tests for login workflow
Add login detection #pantryplan
add SSR logging #scoredetect
#rulo conditional alerts based on already sent notifications
#threader2 propose notifications to unlogged users too
Add extra logging information to Pocket integration to help debug user issue #gistreader
add notification logic #names
Built some logging to see when requests crash my app #simpleanalytics