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learned a new copywriting technique from Evaldo Albuquerque (Agora Financial) #copywritingdelivery
remove the last bit of copy unrelated to email copywriting - again: the point is to have clarity about my service offering for the reader (and it helps me keep clarity as well) #copywritingdelivery
clean up marketing copy
More detail work: copy and CSS #copywritingdelivery
Finish editing marketing website copy
more copywriting #reactd32018
work on marketing content #shipr
created what could be called „Market awareness and Journey of the reader-buyer” #copywritingdelivery
watch replay of copy chief Q&A call 1 #copywritingdelivery (so much good stuff to learn included it was almost a full day of work)
Wrote some marketing copy #tweetsweeper
went through all level 1 material of client, sum it up, and reply with more questions and things that are missing #copywritingdelivery
Work on marketing website copy. #jovial
Draft marketing copy #jovial
start watching copywriting research training by Bond Halbert #copywritingdelivery
finish watching copywriting research training by Bond Halbert #copywritingdelivery - outstanding!!
client work #emailcopywriter
added content marketing and how to write a cold email to #growthstarterkit
win native English speaker as a business partner for #copywritingdelivery
Give new client feedback on his masterclass sales copy #freelance