Similar todos
Daily view: show / highlight current session + provide min session height #timemator
Daily view: display edge sessions correctly #timemator
Daily view: fix cursor rects calculation on scrolling #timemator
Daily view: enabled day-egde events #timemator
Daily view: live-update event duration while dragging #timemator
#pintura add property to limit scrolling to crop rectangle
added overlay to show video outside of the draw area #infinitestories 3.0
fix overlay width/height #csspro
main view improvements #vsnipp
Daily view: enable context menu #timemator
Daily view: update timeline style #timemator
Show window dimensions on resize #magetools
increase effective area (adding padding) of resize corners / squares #csspro
Daily view: build task, folder and duration labels (autolayout) [2h] #timemator
Daily view: open session editor on double click #timemator
implement a custom view to draw horizontal line because NSBox doesn't allow configuration of anything really #blip
added playback controls to resizeview #infinitestories 3.0
allow temporary hiding of a rectangle #wt