Similar todos
telegram notification on #spoofr signup
send a message to potential user #dashful
send verification email after signup #jeele
email sequence after signup
Send SMS on signup (moneytree) #matterloop
add "check your email" after user signs up #newco
confirm email after sign up before sending email #rssmailer
send a message when a new user joins #lizt
add email notification when sign up #hour
Give first time visitor the chance to send a message before signing up #albertbro
send onboarding tips and tricks emails after signup #wip
Send the welcome email when someone signs up on the waitlist
Confirmation email on signup #anyopening
create send-me-a-prompt-every-x signup form #perspectiva
update flash messages after signup #tba
v.1.1 - Send message to user installing Sparkly after onboarding, not before onboarding #sparkly