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📕 taking a night off to finish reading Refactoring UI #mylife
I finished reading Refactoring UI, a great book for beginners and intermediate levels in UI design; it was fast-paced with many examples and opened my eyes to various design methods, after which I wrote an extensive note in Obsidian.
buy refactoring ui book #life
💸 picked up Refactoring UI to help me finish out my design. The tech on this website has been done and ready for months. I just need a decent coat of paint on it. #conf
Read 100/252 pages Rafactoring UI
Purchased Refactoring UI
Acquiring Refactoring UI.
📕 re-reading the Form Design Patterns book #mylife
📕 bought the Effective Book Authoring course to motivate myself into maybe writing/finishing a book. #mylife…
Read a chapter of 'Design is a job' #life
Read first few chapters of The Design of Everyday Things #4hourlife
Read few chapters of Atomic Habits
read Refactoring UI while eating a smoothie bowl
Read few pages of Atomic Habits
Read a couple of chapters in startup book #self