Similar todos
📝 Updated templates to support new url mechanics and updates event titles #conf
📝 updated the event series template #conf
📝 Updates sitemaps to include events and a ton of small UI changes. #djangotv
✅ finished google geocoding places but punted on the name / structure refactor in order to mark it done #conf
opened up new tickets to help describe the events and series detail pages. started styling the event detail page and updated the homepage template.
Fixed all known geocoding glitches and deploy to production #ipregistry
🎉 deployed, re-indexed all events, and confirmed that geo data now gets imported.
Complete refactoring session event views #timemator
✅ sorting out Google's geo api's administrative_area_level_* names and potentially looking at a large refactor #conf
complete reworked geo search database functions #trucost
refactor and update ~15 years of #djangocon websites and archives
📝 rewrote my event views titles and view names to be more SEO friendly #conf
⚙️ refactored #conf settings and templates
more #djangobuild updates and refactoring
🎨 updated templates to make base page not as wide and event details to expose extra data #conf
#thecompaniesapi fix a ton of frontend issues ; work on new onboarding for lists, playbook blocks, csv enrichment with missing domains 🫡
🚜 refactored core events and place scraper to be in its own core app
Update a bunch of minor things on my site #ss
re-worked the search ui and improved internals #jobs