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Major refactor #sendmelater
Database migration - simplifying schema after testing somethings out and seeing what does/doesn't work #pingbot
refactored DB models #officework
transform cy results to new data schema
Fixing yet another data generation pipeline #ipregistry
More refactoring 🫡 #notionmailer
🚜 reworks schemas #lfk
Refactor DB manager and bug fixing on data persistence
#wolle Clean up the MongoDB clusterfuck data structure and import it into nice models, enums and SQL tables
improving test coverage and removing useless datapoints #thecompaniesapi
Refactor parent scanners controller a bit
Refactoring #melies
Refactoring #mapmelon
Refactoring #whirlytoad
Design views for database migration and add more puns #nomeattoday
do some refactoring #clippulse
do some refactoring #dashful